A graphic showcasing three keycdn wordpress plugins: optimus, cdn enabler, and cache enabler, each represented by an icon—a robot, a network diagram, and a lightning bolt symbol with lines, respectively.

CDN Cache Enabler Optimus WordPress Plugins

CDN Cache Enabler Optimus WordPress Plugins – This looks like a bit of an unrelated, catch-all heading for this article, but read on to find out how these 3 plugins work hand in hand to speed up your WordPress website.

KeyCDN Plugins

If you search for new plugins in your WordPress admin area and then type in “Keycdn”, you will find that these 3 plugins pop up near the top of the list and that is because they are all made by KeyCDN.

KeyCDN have produced these 3 plugins so as they talk together and behave nicely to each other and produce a complete jigsaw of CDN with caching and image optimisation all in one, to enhance performance.


KeyCDN is a high performance content delivery network that has been built for the future. It only takes a few minutes to start delivering content to your users at a blazing fast speed.

We earn a commission if you make a purchase, at no additional cost to you.

CDN Enabler Plugin

The CDN enabler plugin is free and although designed specifically for the KeyCDN service, it can be used with other CDN services as well.

Full details on the plugin are here.

Cache Enabler Plugin

The cache enabler plugin is free and you can use it stand alone as well if you want to, but it works best integrated with all 3 services.

More details can be found on the KeyCDN website for this plugin and you can download it there too.

cdn cache enabler optimus wordpress plugins keycdn logo

Optimus Plugin

The third plugin is for reducing the size of your images in order to speed up the loading of your pages and full details are on the KeyCDN website.

Testing Performance

I am currently testing the performance of using all 3 plugins along with the KeyCDN cdn service as well.

So far it seems to be working well, but I would like to do further tests and reports.

Price is the big bonus here. I have already said that the plugins are free and whilst the CDN service is not free, it is as close to free as I have seen!

KeyCDN really do have very cheap services and you should have a look and compare them to others.

See also Mythemeshop content locker review.

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